Those “other” paternity tests


When it comes to verifying paternity, there are a few different options available. One popular option is to purchase a paternity test kit from a drugstore or online retailer. However, there are a number of reasons why someone should consider testing at AncestryDNA instead. Of course, this only applies if you are testing for personal reasons and are not at all certain about who the father is. If you are involved in a legal issue, you should go with your lawyer’s advice as to what tests would be court acceptable.

Accuracy and Reliability

One of the most important factors to consider when verifying paternity is the accuracy and reliability of the test. While drugstore paternity tests may seem like a convenient option, if the result shows that the man tested is not the father, you are left with no clues as to who the father is, while had you used a DNA testing service like AncestryDNA work could begin immediately to determine who the actual father is.

AncestryDNA uses advanced DNA testing technology and has a large database of genetic samples to compare against. Additionally, AncestryDNA has a high accuracy rate and has been used successfully by thousands of people to confirm paternity.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Another important consideration when it comes to paternity testing is privacy and confidentiality. It's important to choose a testing service that respects your privacy and keeps your personal information confidential.

AncestryDNA takes privacy and confidentiality very seriously. They have strict security protocols in place to protect your data, and they will not share your personal information with anyone without your permission.

Ease of Use

Testing at AncestryDNA is also very easy and convenient. All you need to do is order a DNA kit online, collect a saliva sample, and then mail it back to their laboratory. The entire process can be done from the comfort of your own home, and there's no need to visit a clinic or doctor's office.

Once you've sent your DNA sample to AncestryDNA, you can expect to receive your results within a few weeks. These results will include a detailed analysis of your genetic makeup, as well as information about your ethnicity and potential relatives.


While drugstore paternity tests may seem like a convenient and affordable option, they are not useful if the results are negative, and you will have to start all over with a DNA testing service like AncestryDNA to learn who the father actually is. By testing at AncestryDNA in the first place, you can have confidence in your results' accuracy while also ensuring your privacy and confidentiality. Additionally, testing at AncestryDNA is easy and convenient, making it an excellent option for anyone who needs to verify paternity


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Rootstech 2023