Your Genealogy Score - Gaming Genealogy

Wow, has it really been almost a whole decade? Way back in 2012 Crista Cowan posted this at Ancestry. Basically, she looked at how many of each generation of ancestors she knew the names/information for. Being a bit of a gamer myself, I tried it and found out what my “Genealogy Score” was.

At the end of 2012 my numbers broken down by generation were:

2/2 parents = 100%

4/4 grandparents =100%

8/8 great grandparents =100%

15/16 greatX2 grandparents (93.75%)

30/32 greatX3 grandparents (93.75%)

44/64 greatX4 grandparents (68.75%)

30/128 greatX5 grandparents (23.43%)

23/256 greatX6 grandparents (8.98%)

17/512 greatX7 grandparents (3.32%)

25/1024 greatX8 grandparents (2.44%)

On Dec 30, 2013 this was my score:

2/2 parents = 100%

4/4 grandparents =100%

8/8 great grandparents =100%

16/16 greatX2 grandparents (100%)

32/32 greatX3 grandparents (100%)

51/64 greatX4 grandparents (79.69%)

37/128 greatX5 grandparents (28.91%)

33/256 greatX6 grandparents (12.89%)

34/512 greatX7 grandparents (6.64%)

58/1024 greatX8 grandparents (5.66%)

Jan 25, 2023:

In a decade I went from knowing 58/1024 8th great grandparents to knowing 112/1024.

I used HistoryLink to generate my numbers which requires you to have a Geni profile, but you can discover your score manually or by another method if you prefer.


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