Fish in All the ponds! (Be in all the DNA databases)


All the DNA databases have different sizes. AncestryDNA is by far the largest, but they do not offer a chromosome browser. Trust me, you want to be fishing in ALL the ponds! There are plenty of people who are only in one of the smaller ponds. By the way, ALL the ponds are much larger than when I first started in DNA and 23andme was the only place with autosomal testing, and a single kit cost 5 times what they cost now (10 times if it’s a sale day!)

Many people may not realize that there are benefits to uploading their DNA data to multiple sites. Here are a few reasons why you should consider uploading your DNA to all the sites:

More Potential Matches

One of the biggest benefits of uploading your DNA to multiple sites is that it increases your chances of finding potential matches. Each site has its own database of genetic samples, so by uploading your DNA to multiple sites, you increase the pool of potential matches that you can connect with.

This can be especially helpful for people who are looking for biological relatives such as an unknown father or unknown birth parents, as there may be individuals who have uploaded their DNA to one site but not another. By uploading your DNA to all the sites, you increase your chances of finding those matches. I have had clients who have had a half-sibling waiting on a site they didn’t think to upload to.

Access to Different Tools and Features

Another benefit of uploading your DNA to multiple sites is that each site may offer different tools and features that can help you learn more about your genetic makeup. For example, AncestryDNA has a large database of genealogical records that can help you trace your family tree, while 23andMe offers detailed health reports that can help you understand your genetic health risks.

By uploading your DNA to multiple sites, you can take advantage of all the different features and tools that each site offers. This can give you a more comprehensive understanding of your genetic makeup and ancestry.


While there are certainly benefits to uploading your DNA to multiple sites, it's important to be aware of the potential risks and drawbacks as well. For example, some people may be uncomfortable with the idea of their genetic data being shared across multiple sites, or may not want to pay the additional fees associated with uploading to multiple sites.

Ultimately, the decision to upload your DNA to multiple sites is a personal one and should be made based on your individual needs and preferences. However, for those who are comfortable with the idea, uploading your DNA to multiple sites can offer a range of benefits, including more potential matches, and access to different tools and features


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Why do some people have no tree on AncestryDNA???